Selby Gardens is nearby in Sarasota, a paradise of endless orchids and unimagined varieties of tropical flowers . I could not pass through without taking photos of the foliage. This lino cut is based on one of my photos. The flowers on this plant are the cup-like images near the bottom. The hold water for the plant. Isn't nature wonderful.
Lino cuts are a great way to achieve maximum drama with minimum effort. Since they don't require a press to run, (burnishing with a wooden spoon works fine), they can be rendered on the spot in a brief drawing on the block, and then cut and run later. Daubigny, the early Barbizon painter used a similar method on hand-sized prepared copper plates, drawing into the ground. Then he would run them off as references for larger oil paintings. He would give the original prints then, to friends as gifts. Nice gift.