Monday, August 27, 2007

16 x

Sometimes paintings just happen. While cutting up a canvas I loathed (1), this piece caught my eye. So I pulled it out of the scraps, dusted it off and framed it. There is a gallery currently handling my work which is way below my standards. Before I pull out completely, and I assuredly will be, I would like to hang this. Alone on a wall. Just because it has a quiet pizzazz.


Blogger Esav Benyamin said...

It doesn't look like a pizza to me,
but maybe it will to the gallery!

An interesting circumstance, to work and work and work and no art ensues; but throw it out and something gleams from the wreckage that was there all along but could only be seen in its own context.

4:23 AM  
Blogger Debpinger said...

I can't believe you would throw any of your work out. This is stunning! A gift.

11:18 AM  

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